Saturday, April 29, 2006


Guitar lessons from Uncle Caleb

Carissa, if Andrew can learn how to play guitar, you do not have anything to worry about! :-) BTW, congratulations to your parents for their faithfulness in Christian education. I am sure proud is an inadaqute word to describe how you feel about your parents wonderful accomplishments!
you're so sweet rebecca. My kids are so talented :) What are you doing this summer? I will miss you here if you're not coming back to camp.
Carissa, I am going home! I have to take summer school classes so I can cram my 4 year program into 5 years. I am hoping to come up next summer and do camp! My mind keeps wandering back to how much I miss it! One blessing is that i found a job at my grandparents apartment complex, so I will get to spend time with them and work in catering (which will be fun!)
I meant my 5 year program into 4 years. Maybe I need guitar lessons now too! ;-)
you're funny. I thought that may be what you meant :) I have baby brain, so I don't know if I thought at all, really! Glad God provided a job for you. We'll miss you. Come back next year if you can. Glad we're blogging, we can still keep in touch.
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